HiI have Catalina OS and Xcode 11.1 when creating new project I see the types iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS so shouldnt I seeipadOS as well or im missing something ?Kindest Regards
HiI tried to caputre the hover event over a label as described from Apple in first link, I outlet for the label and added the gesture to itand before that linked the gesture to a function, but I keep geting the error "Use of unresolved identifier UIHoverGestureRecognizer"not sure why ? the simple demo is in dropbox link.--Kindest Regardsh ttps://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uihovergesturerecognizerh ttps://www.dropbox.com/s/c1tjrjtzmd6wk05/Gestures%20Demo.zip?dl=0
HiI have a long table view but cant scroll using scroll gesture in simulator on magic mouse unless I click and drag, is there any settingsI should do or scrolling isnt supported ?Regards
HiI have some parts of code that isnt inside a function such as a big array, is it possible to make that area foldable in Xcode 11.3 ?--Kindest Regards
I see some posts about the MARK: keyword and that it will show code below it somewhere, I put this keyword above a line of code but nothing happen and cant see it anywhere ?--Kindest Regards
HiAlthough I mage a TableView and dropped a cell and changed its style to Sub Title and loaded the info, but stillat run time the details text not showing ? project at link below.--Kindest Regardsh ttp s://www.dropbox.com/s/atmynl4nu6zekjx/tableView.zip?dl=0
HiWhat Im trying to do is navigating from cell to view controller, I tried 2 ways first by direct control+drag from table cell to the view controller and choosing show and the other is control+drag from the view controller that have the table to the destination view controller then using perfom segue, with both methods I get a pop over kind of view controller, haw ever i tried to change such as making segue type from show to details show it keep showing as pop over ? haw can we fix that ?--Kindest Regardsh ttps://www.dropbox.com/s/x6t1dfmkklm2srw/Table%20View%20copy.zip?dl=0
HiIf I use navigation controller it will place the navigation bar at top, for design resin I need it at bottom, is that possible ?--Kindest Regards
HiWhen implementing the swipe function for Table View Cells we use UIContextualAction to customize the buttons that shows under, such as normal or dusctructive, haw I can custoize them such as changing the color, font size, maybe showing icons ? and haw to link them to actions ?--Kindest Regards
HiSome applications when swapping its table cells they shows the actions buttons thats revealed as circle not the default square shape, haw this can be done ?--Kindest Regards
HiI have the simple project in link below, just trying to insert a new managed object but its giving me en error ? either it cant see the entity or its class dont know why ?--Kindest Regardsh ttps://www.dropbox.com/s/t0z8i45d9ep84oz/Core%20Date%20New.zip?dl=0
HiIm strugeling in fetching data from core data first it was the egenric thing Im not sure if its solved or not, aftering getting an array of managed objects Im struggeling feeding its data to table view cell, I think it suppose to be a simple task ?--Kindest Regardsh ttps://www.dropbox.com/s/vb3cet085v05tvi/Core%20Data%20Simple.zip?dl=0
HiIf I have an image larger than the image view size, haw to instruct the image view to deal with it in different ways, such is to show part of it, or resize it and stretch it, or resize and keeong the aspect ratio ?--Kindest Regards
HiI want to do something like Apple Mail App, at top a search bar and it can be hidden, when I place the search field and top of table view then add a table view cell it pushes it under it if I put it outside the table view it doesnt scroll, so whats the standatrd here ?--Kindest Regards
HiWhen creating Core Data iOS project we get the below code, I find it strange to declare a variable then making it equal to a code ? or a result of a code without function calling ?--Kindest Regardsstatic var persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer = {
let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "CoreDataApp")
container.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { (storeDescription, error) in
if let error = error as NSError? {
store could not be migrated to the current model version.
Check the error message to determine what the actual problem was.
fatalError("Unresolved error \(error), \(error.userInfo)")
return container